Blog, Undetectable AI
Balancing Homework and Mental Health By Using AI
With artificial intelligence integrating more and more into our daily lives and with students actively using generative AI services like Open AI’s ChatGPT at staggering rates, society needs to reassess the role the use of AI technologies have in fostering positive learning experiences and mental health care outcomes for our students.
Students use AI systems for different tasks in their lives, all to unburden themselves of the many responsibilities placed on young people today. Seeing that it’s harder to get a job, harder to start a family, and harder to find meaning in life without those things, all while being demonized for leveraging AI tools that are available to everyone, everywhere without severe consequences, many students can find themselves in a mental health crisis that we now have the technology to help heal.
Universities should not be cynical about AI-based solutions. Above is a data summary from Best Colleges about the sorry state of mental health for students. So, this argument about AI is not just about getting homework done by a machine. This is about making interventions in the lives of young people that need help.
Table of Contents
Is Artificial Intelligence a Benefit or a Threat to Education?
How Are Colleges Responding to the Use of AI?
How Can AI tools Help Students Manage Homework and Mental Health Simultaneously?
Is Artificial Intelligence a Benefit or a Threat to Education?
Beyond saving time on homework, students have a great deal to gain from universities letting AI-driven innovation change the entire framework of academia. Faculty is using AI to grade and set curricula. Admissions is using AI to manage enrollment. Universities need to harness the potential of AI to radically change student mental health services with technology that customizes the college experience of every student to fit their needs.
For decades, many were convinced that technology would isolate young people from each other, by limiting human interaction and having students choose social media over real life. Artificial intelligence doesn’t have to contribute to this atomization, it can help deepen our connections and lives so we can be happier, more educated human beings.
The graph above, detailing what conditions students are diagnosed most commonly with, with anxiety leading the charge, sends a signal that students need personalized mental health services on demand.
Mental health support can be revolutionized by AI, and hopefully students will be some of the first people to experience the positive results that come from it. It will be the case that artificial intelligence doesn’t hinder student development of critical thinking or decision-making faculties because students are skirting their homework, but rather, artificial intelligence will be necessary to aid in that full development of entering the world as a prepared adult.
How Are Colleges Responding to the Use of AI?
There are two camps among our academic institutions. Those who embrace the incoming wave of AI-powered change and those who consider AI such a threat, that they buckle against change by targeting students that only do the natural thing of using new technology.
For fear of fostering a climate of academic misconduct, whereby students have free reign to use generative AI to do all their homework, these restrictive universities have opted for a climate of suspicion where every assignment is subject to scrutiny.
Even when bypassing AI detection, professors can’t truly trust the results of AI Detectors like Turnitin that have a 4% false positive rate at the sentence level and with a bias against international students that are not native-English speakers.
When a student is then accused of AI plagiarism, they end up mired in a bureaucratic nightmare that often get dismissed as false allegations only after they've been damaged by the process.
These practices have driven students to use undetectable AI services like StealthGPT that use natural language processing to make any AI writing indecipherable from human writing. StealthGPT skirts AI detection software, bypassing all the restrictions universities have implemented at the high cost of trusting students.
What was the point then? If universities chose to harm students to stop the wave of change, only when the change proved inevitable in one way or another?
More progressive institutions like Cornell have embraced AI advancements beyond using chatbots for homework. They’ve taken into account all the elements both positive and negative that come with students integrating AI into their education. This includes everything from environmental concerns to harvesting student datasets. Cornell's code of AI ethics is an example that can lead the way toward a brighter future.
Examples of AI Mental Health Solutions
How exactly can AI revolutionize healthcare? The NIH did a study evaluating the potential for AI to change mental health and came to this conclusion:
“Expanding on therapeutic interventions, AI can augment traditional therapy approaches by delivering cognitive behavioral exercises and interventions through digital platforms. These tools reinforce learning, provide consistent support, and track progress over time.”
AI reduces barriers to seeking help and provides assistance on-demand at any time. And that’s what students need, services without stigmatization and on-demand in real time, so that if a student needs help in the middle of the night while surrounded by stacks of books, they can get it immediately.
Experts have imagined a variety of ways AI can be used to benefit people with mental health issues. Forbes made a list of AI mental health solutions that included wearables that detect abnormal bodily functions to cater to the wearer’s needs, diagnosing and predicting outcomes based on collecting a patient’s medical data, personalized treatments and more.
The future of AI in academia is all about personalization, from mental health services to curricula that ensures no student in any given class gets left behind. Our CEO’s latest Forbes article includes this among three predictions for how AI will reshape academia that will help you see what’s coming down the line.
How Can AI Tools Help Students Manage Homework and Mental Health Simultaneously?
There are many AI writing tools that aid students with their homework at varying capacities. You can use AI to improve the readability and writing style of your text. You can use AI to summarize a document that you upload. You can use AI to research and input proper citations into any essay or research paper. You can use AI to take a picture of your worksheet and have AI answer all the questions for you. Or, you can use AI to write your entire essay for you.
The choice is in every student's hands as to how much they want to risk by using AI tools. People should consider though, they wouldn’t be risking such severe consequences without good reason. If students feel like they’re drowning in school work to the point that they need AI to do their homework for you, universities need to get at the root of the problem and do more to tend to that student's needs.
Undetectable AI services like StealthGPT have been giving students more room to breathe since its inception. With StealthGPT, you can have time to balance work, play, school, friends, and family.
Your learning experience at university should not be one filled with struggle and meaningless work that suffocates you, you should have room for personal development and if universities don’t want to make room, it’s up to you to find the tools to make the most of your experience.
AI tools can help balance a student's work/life schedule so their mental health can thrive, but beyond just freeing their time, AI tools have the power to develop those students into adults prepared to take on a new, technologically advanced real world.
AI tools can serve as therapists, as writing aids, as tutors and so much more. Universities that restrict these tools and implement severe consequences to students accused of using them do a disservice to the students and themselves. It's often the case, the best contributions to society come from taboo practicies. Such will be the case of undetectable AI when academia realizes that using humanized content for take-home assignments is the new method of producing the best quality work.
What is Generative AI?
Generative AI uses large language models to create any written content you ask for. ChatGPT, the landmark software in this space, carries with it certain watermarks in its writing style which are geared toward utility with precise and simple word choice and sentence structure. Software like StealthGPT uses natural language processing to generate human writing with more complexity, randomness, and naturalness like you’d find in human text to make it undetectable.
You can learn more about what makes StealthGPT undetectable on our blog.
Is there a student discount for StealthGPT?
Yes, students can get their first month’s subscription to StealthGPT for only $0.99. All you need is a student email and you can start generating undetectable human-like writing today. Visit our pricing page and start bypassing AI detection today.
All the perks that come with using StealthGPT as a student are laid out here for you to read.
Is Using ChatGPT Plagiarism?
Using ChatGPT or any generative AI to write your essay is not traditional plagiarism. Generative AI software creates original content while plagiarism is the act of stealing someone else’s words and crediting them as your own. Using AI is not the same as stealing AI’s words, it’s akin to using a calculator to solve a math equation.
Still, academic institutions that don’t know how to deal with the high rate of students using AI for homework have categorized the use of AI writing for homework or essays as “AI plagiarism” one of many forms of academic misconduct.
The ethics of AI are always changing and different depending on which university's code of ethics you're looking at, perhaps one day though, the use of AI in academia will be just another essential part of your school work.