Does Phrasly AI Work?

Blog, Undetectable AI

Does Phrasly AI Work?

Does Phrasly AI work? Phrasly AI’s paraphrasing and rewriting algorithms aren't advanced engineering to bypass most AI detectors. In this article, we pitched against AI detectors and plagiarism checkers to assess the app’s quality.

Table of Contents

  • What Is

  • Does Phrasly Bypass AI Detectors?

  • Is Effective for Paraphrasing Without Getting Caught by Plagiarism Checkers?

  • Is’s Content Easy to Read?

  • What's a Good Alternative to

  • Conclusion

What Is is an AI humanizer. It's built to humanize AI writing and bypass AI detectors. Ideally, when ChatGPT or other AI tools for content writing generate text, and Phrasly AI rephrases it, it should pass as human-like content. Phrasly AI has other use cases besides the humanization of AI-generated text. These include:

  • Generating AI text from its Content Generator.

  • Flagging AI-written content through its Content Detector.

In this article, our focus is on evaluating the effectiveness of Phrasly AI at humanizing content, escaping AI detection and passing plagiarism checkers.

Does Phrasly Bypass AI Detectors?

Humanized text may have a human touch but it doesn't necessarily bypass AI detection tools. However, claims that its outputs are undetectable by AI detectors such as:

  • Content at Scale

  • GPT Zero

  • ZeroGPT

  • OpenAI

  • Copyleaks

  • Turnitin

If can really make ChatGPT-written text undetectable, then the text that it generates should bypass these AI detectors. Interestingly, doesn't claim to bypass and some more stringent AI detectors like Quillbot. Yes, Quillbot is actually much harder to bypass than popular AI content detectors like Turnitin.

In a study on the best undetectable AI tools, we found that 7 out of 8 of these AI tools could bypass Turnitin, but only a few bypassed Quillbot. We're doing a complete evaluation of, so we'll be testing it with 10 AI detector tools, which are:

  • Content at Scale

  • GPT Zero

  • ZeroGPT


  • Copyleaks

  • Turnitin

  • Winston AI

  • Scribbr

  • Quillbot

  • Crossplag

For our experiment, we used the free plan of, which allowed us to humanize 300 words. As a side note,’s interface is user-friendly. When you log in to your account, you can instantly see a summary of how much work you've done with Phrasly and how much time you've saved. Although some of the data reported is exaggerated, the report could encourage you to continue using Phrasly.

For example, the AI-powered content engine told us that we had saved one hour by humanizing 300 words using Phrasly. This was partially true because we wouldn't spend up to an hour manually humanizing 300 words. That aside, we were there to see if Phrasly’s writing style could match that of human writing. So, we inputted some ChatGPT-generated content into

Here's a screenshot of the ChatGPT-written text.

After pasting the content in the input window in, we selected the aggressive humanization strength. has three humanization strengths: easy, medium, and aggressive. Anything that Phrasly rewrites in the aggressive mode will bypass any AI content detector. The easy strength is suitable for bloggers and content creators who need clear and easy-to-understand writing but still want to bypass AI detectors. The medium strength guarantees “human-like writing” and “top-notch quality.” Here’s a screenshot of the humanized text:

After generating the output, mentioned that the humanized text would bypass these AI content detectors:

  • Content at Scale

  • GPT Zero

  • ZeroGPT

  • OpenAI

  • Copyleaks

  • Turnitin

Curious about whether or not these predictions were true? Keep reading.

Content at Scale bypassed Content at Scale.

From the screenshot above, we can see that Content at Scale reported that’s content “passes as human!”


You remember that claimed that the output could bypass GPTZero, yes? Our tests led to us discovering that this claim was false.

In the screenshot above, GPT Zero assigns a low human score of 41% to the AI text that produced.


Like it did with Content at Scale and GPTZero, predicted that the content it wrote would bypass ZeroGPT.

But as the screenshot above suggests, ZeroGPT predicted that there was a 58.7% likelihood that the text was generated by an AI or a GPT.

We scanned’s text using two of’s AI detection models: Standard 2.0 and Turbo 3.0. When we scanned the text that wrote using the Standard 2.0 model, couldn't detect that the text was AI-generated.

When scanned with the Turbo 3.0 model, the text humanized with couldn't bypass AI detection. predicted that there was a 98% probability that the content was AI-generated.

Copyleaks claimed that it could beat Copyleaks. This screenshot proves this assertion is true.

Copyleaks concluded without any doubts that the text written by was human-written.


We’ve previously tested to see if it could beat Turnitin. For this test, we generated the following text using ChatGPT.

Then, we humanized the text using Here's a screenshot of the output.

After humanizing the text, we scanned it with Turnitin's AI detector. failed to bypass Turnitin. The AI detector guessed that 100% of the content produced by was AI-generated.

Winston AI

To be fair, didn't say anything about whether or not it could bypass Winston AI. Their silence on this matter didn't make us any less curious about it. So, we scanned the output with Winston AI. Here's what we found.

Winston AI was quick to predict that there was a 100% chance that’s work was AI-generated.


What about Scribbr? didn't claim to be capable of bypassing it either. Nevertheless, we pasted the Phrasly-generated output in Scribbr’s AI detector tool.

Scribbr predicted that there was an 89% chance that the text was generated by AI. Phrasly couldn't bypass Scribbr.


We figured that it wouldn't be a bad idea to find out if could beat Quillbot.

The screenshot above shows Quillbot's opinion about the text that humanized. The AI detector predicted that there was an 82% probability that the content was AI-generated.


The last AI content detector against which we pitched was Crossplag.

The Crossplag AI content index of the text generated by shows that Crossplag believed that there was a 0% chance that’s content was AI-generated.

Is Effective for Paraphrasing Without Getting Caught by Plagiarism Checkers?

Originality helps to preserve the academic integrity of authors. Original content also complements a brand's SEO efforts. Positive Phrasly AI reviews on Trustpilot and Reddit have suggested that one of the key features of the artificial intelligence tool is that it generates original content. The reviewers loved using for content generation because of how it bypassed plagiarism checkers, among other reasons. We were interested in verifying the authenticity of these glowing reviews, so we pasted’s text into Grammarly's plagiarism checker. Here's the screenshot of Grammarly's evaluation of the text.

Grammarly reported that the content that wrote was plagiarism-free.

Is’s Content Easy to Read?

The functionality or practicality of AI for usage in content creation is affected by how readable its content is. While AI writing—meaning content generated by AI writing tools—tends to be fairly easy to read, text produced by undetectable AI tools is more focused on bypassing AI detection than on readability. Some users of have reported that after paraphrasing AI-generated content, made it hard to read. We experienced a similar issue when testing See this paragraph that Phrasly wrote, for example.

The AI tool mentioned phrases like “epizeuxis,” “litotes,” and “asydenton.” Most people who're proficient in English may not be familiar with these phrases.

Also, in the beginning part of the humanized text, mentioned the phrase “diagnostic reserve.”

A quick Google search reveals that “diagnostic reserve” doesn't have anything to do with the topic of the output.

What's a Good Alternative to

Since it's clear that has its limitations that drastically reduce its functionality, you may be thinking of what to use instead of A good alternative to is StealthGPT. Like Phrasly, StealthGPT employs natural language processing (NLP algorithms) to adjust the vocabulary, syntax, and grammar of AI-generated content.

However, StealthGPT is much better than at bypassing AI detection. StealthGPT has been proven to bypass all AI detectors, from the most aggressive to the least aggressive. In an experiment involving 5 undetectable AI tools and 8 AI detectors, we found that StealthGPT was the only undetectable AI service that bypassed all 8 AI detectors. Also, everything that StealthGPT humanizes makes perfect sense. Here's a screenshot of a short ChatGPT-generated passage humanized with StealthGPT.

The raw AI text is in the input panel while StealthGPT's humanized version of the text is in the output panel.


In this Phrasly AI review, we've examined whether or not it works. We assessed the undetectability, readability, and originality of its content. While passed the plagiarism detection test, it could bypass just three out of 10 AI detectors and its content was difficult to read. If you're looking for a great alternative to Phrasly AI, try StealthGPT for free. No credit card or commitment is required. Simply input your text and see what the AI humanizer can do. If you like it, you can sign up for a month or a year of beautifully humanized content and stellar AI content generation.

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Undetectable AI, The Ultimate AI Bypasser & Humanizer

Humanize your AI-written essays, papers, and content with the only AI rephraser that beats Turnitin.