Blog, Undetectable AI
Does Rewritify AI Bypass Detection?
2025 is a new age. You can feel the vibe shift, can’t you? Well, to kick off the year in typical Stealth fashion, we are going to gauge the undetectability of a new AI on the block.
Rewritify AI offers users an AI humanizer for free on their website. Lets see if we can take some text from ChatGPT, give that AI-generated content some human-like qualities and readability, and see what happens when we run it through AI detection tools.
Does rewritify give users decent undetectable AI content? Will it humanize AI text into high-quality writing that can bypass AI detection systems like Turnitin, Originality.AI, Copyleaks, ZeroGPT, GPTZero, and StealthGPT’s newest Enhanced AI Detector?
By the end of this review, we’ll grade this undetectable AI tool on its functionality, user-experience, and price so you can get the real scoop on whether you should give this service your time or money.
Table of Contents
What Are AI Detectors?
What is Undetectable AI?
Does Rewritify Work?
Rewritify vs Originality AI
Does Rewritify Bypass AI Detectors?
Final Score and Conclusion
What Are AI Detectors?
In order to retain what shreds of academic integrity still exist in 2025, AI detectors have been integrated into the submission process to ensure whatever you hand in is checked for plagiarism. In the professional world, search engines pass content through AI plagiarism checkers too, where a positive AI score can gain you all sorts of google penalties and more.
What AI Detectors do though, is check a piece of text for the watermarks of AI writing. These watermarks are mainly measured as perplexity and burstiness, which is essentially how simple and precise a piece of text’s word choice, sentence structure, and sentence length are.
The only way to make AI text appear as plagiarism-free human-like text to an AI detector is by using an undetectable AI tool.
What is Undetectable AI?
In order to transform AI text into undetectable text that can bypass detection, AI humanizers like the one touted by Rewritify and perfected by StealthGPT, remove the watermarks of AI writing and replace them the watermarks of human writing style which means naturalness, randomness, and complexity. After you pass AI text through an Undetectable AI tool, you should expect a higher human score and lower AI score when you run it through an AI checker.
The quality of the human-like content depends on the power of the algorithm. AI engines with more advanced AI algorithms can generate high-quality text that passes for human-written content, with all sorts of customization options for versatile content creation.
Does Rewritify Work?
Lets see how Rewritify’s undetectable text looks. First by generating an AI essay with ChatGPT to put through their AI humanizer. Here’s our ChatGPT essay:

The first thing I notice, hopping onto Rewritify is that their free AI humanizer only offers an 80 word limit. 80 words is such a minuscule amount, most AI detectors don’t know how to make heads of tails over such a small piece of text. You can see the user-friendly interface below which offers a very unfriendly word count:
So as to make this review worthwhile, I went ahead and humanized a few paragraphs separately so we can actually test the text. From a first glance, I already see the humanized text features formatting, spelling, and grammar issues. Those things might be human characteristics, but they’re certainly not high quality.
Use our Free AI Detector to check your content

Now, to see how this text performs, we’re going to pass it through a slew of AI detectors.
Does Rewritify Bypass AI Detectors?
One by one, lets test our text through various AI Detectors:
Originality AI
Originality AI is often regarded as the one of the most powerful AI detectors, here’s how Rewritify’s humanized text performed against it:

With an AI score of 100%, Originality AI saw right through Rewritify’s AI rewriter and determined the text was “Likely AI”.
Quillbot’s a powerful AI detection system, lets see what it said about Rewritify’s content:

Quillbot determined Rewritify’s text was 67% AI and 33% human. The content gets a “D”.
Here’s how Rewritify fared:

Not well. Rewritify scored a 100% AI score, it’s as if the text wasn’t really humanized at all.
GPTZero doesn’t seem as powerful as the other detectors:

Rewritify actually got a somewhat decent score of 32% AI generated, though I’m sure this score would make a professor investigate the text deeper.
ZeroGPT, another popular free AI detector, also spat out and immediate and wrong answer:

As you can see, Rewritify got a perfect human score, in stark contrast from every other analysis.
Final Score and Conclusion
Scoring on User Experience, Functionality, and Pricing, I would give Rewritify a straight-up “F”. With the ability to only humanize 80 words at a time and a total of 200 for free, you don’t get any sense of their functionality from their free trial, which makes for a poor user experience.
Although the user interface is easy and simple, it doesn’t deliver the content a person needs. Which is a good transition into functionality, not only did the text under perform after being humanized and passed through AI detectors, but the AI system actually inserted errors. I imagine this was to give it a more human-feel, but it also makes the AI generated text impossible to submit in this condition.
As far as pricing goes, for $9 you get 5,000 words to humanize or detect and touted effectiveness against AI detectors I’ve shown you here that it was unable to bypass. After the basic plan, you can choose between 50,000 words a month for $16 dollars monthly or unlimited words for $30 a month.
$9 a month may seem cheap but you get less than what you pay for when their free service can’t bypass the very AI systems they claim to be able to in the plan’s details.
For Undetectable AI with an unbeatable track record, with the easiest user-interface and undeniable functionality, StealthGPT is the only option to fly under the radar of every AI detector. With a giant toolkit of features from AI humanization, to generating SEO optimized content, study aids, and more, StealthGPT has revolutionized both AI content creation and educational technology with an all encompassing service.